Horsehead NGC 7000 Horsehead

(These are very large files - Broadband recommended on anything over the 50% size)

(Click on image for 50% Resolution)

(Click here for 100% of full size - 2.6MB)

Date: July 15 - August 26 , 2007
Exposure: S2HaO3RGB - 330m : 330m : 360M : 165m : 165m : 195m
11 x 1800s S2, Ha, 13 x 1800s O3, 11 x 900s R,G, 13 x 900 B
Processing: CCDAutoPilot3 used to collect data over multiple nights. CCDSoft for image acquisition, CCDStack on a x64 Vista machine for Image calibration, Astrodon LRGB filters (15 flats each L,R,G,B, Bias subtracted and Sigma Clip combined, 25 bias frames Sigma Clip combined, 24 x 900s darks Sigma Clip combined, 30 x 1800s darks Sigma Clip combined), alignment, normalization, FITS master files creation, and RGB raw TIFF creation. RGB was processed and used for the stars to get a more natural star coloring. Photoshop CS2 for final S2HaO3RGB processing, final layers adjustment and jpg conversion for the website.
Conditions: Good to Excellent, Mag 6-7 Skies
Scope: FSQ-106N
Camera: SBIG STL-11K, -25° & Apogee U16M, -20°
Comments: North Mount and South Mount (Sierra-Remote Observatories - ). This was taken over multiple nights/months with both mounts running on the identical target.